
Today we see a generation of people who never reach their potential spiritually for the Lord.  There are some reasons as to why this is, but one main reason could be summed up this way:  People are not reaching their spiritual potential because of immaturity. Ecclesiastes 10:16 gives a stern warning from the word of God about what happens when the rulers, leaders, etc..are immature. Listen to Solomon as he writes: “Woe to the, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning.”

How often over the last few years, perhaps even longer have pulpits been filled with men who simply are not qualified?  How many men today are lying to their congregations about their calling and are proceeding to deliver powerless messages week in an week out?  Prayer is a must for any christian!  Without it we are powerless. Where there is no prayer, there is no power!

Admittedly some people simply don’t want to grow and are satisfied with the way things are to which I recite the scripture: Galatians 6:7-8 states, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”

I am told of an apple seed that has the potential to produce 150 apples a year. The tree lives for 80 years so that one seed has the potential to produce over 12,000 apples in it’s lifetime.  But, if that seed sits in the package, it will never reach it’s potential.  Here’s my question preacher, teacher, deacon, lay person, church member: what are you involved in today that will will help you and your family, church, workplace, nation reach their potential spiritually and make a difference over the next 10 years?

Don’t be a spectator, be an innovator!




What action must we take to have revival? The often quoted scripture in II Chronicles 7:14 appeals to revival but within it are several commands in order to obtain it.  We must belong to God. We must be humble in our approach to God.  We must be broken-hearted over sin before God, ours as well as the nation.  We must confess our sin to God and repent of it, not just a mere conscience cleansing session where a few tears my be shed, but a time of allowing God to reveal to us our condition brought about by sin. We must then realize what that sin has caused, grief in the heart of God, separation and no fellowship with God, chastisement that extends beyond self, lost testimonies which make it harder to reach the lost. When we realize this, we must understand the wickedness of sin and the wretchedness of sin, confess it and repent of it which simply means to turn away from it.  The Bibles says when these conditions are met, God will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land.  America needs revival.  Are you broken hearted enough over the condition of our land to take the necessary steps for revival?

Reclaiming Our Youth

How important are you children to you? If your child were lost what resources would you use to find them? Would your search be constant? Would your search be passionate? Our generation of youth have been deceived.  Deceived by the technology, deceived by school, deceived by preachers, deceived by books and yes, deceived by parents. Kids today have IPODS, IPADS, PDA’s, flat screen tv’s, gaming systems in every room, and that’s just the start of it.

Preachers who do not preach the Blood, the Book and the Blessed Hope are deceiving children into believing they are, “ok” and do not need to worry about going to hell because Jesus would not send them there. School teaches evolution as if it were fact, and parents have become the children asking for permission to do their parental duties.  Why not replace those things with the Bible?  How will our children ever know the real Jesus if their affection is on other things? The Scripture says in Jeremiah 29:13 “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”  If we as parents, would use all resources available to find our children if there were lost, then why are we letting the world take our children before our very eyes with all that is available to us? Parents, reclaim your children with urgency, for the bridegroom draweth nigh!