
What action must we take to have revival? The often quoted scripture in II Chronicles 7:14 appeals to revival but within it are several commands in order to obtain it.  We must belong to God. We must be humble in our approach to God.  We must be broken-hearted over sin before God, ours as well as the nation.  We must confess our sin to God and repent of it, not just a mere conscience cleansing session where a few tears my be shed, but a time of allowing God to reveal to us our condition brought about by sin. We must then realize what that sin has caused, grief in the heart of God, separation and no fellowship with God, chastisement that extends beyond self, lost testimonies which make it harder to reach the lost. When we realize this, we must understand the wickedness of sin and the wretchedness of sin, confess it and repent of it which simply means to turn away from it.  The Bibles says when these conditions are met, God will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land.  America needs revival.  Are you broken hearted enough over the condition of our land to take the necessary steps for revival?

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